2008年6月13日 星期五



  (1)IPX 1
  試樣放置:按試樣正常工作位置擺放在以 1r/min 的旋轉樣品臺上,樣品頂部至滴水口的距離不大於 200mm
  試驗條件:滴水量為 10。5 mm/min
  持續時間:10 min

  (2)IPX 2
  方法名稱:傾斜 15°滴水試驗
  試樣放置:使試樣的一個面與垂線成 15°角,樣品頂部至滴水口的距離不大於 200mm 。每試驗完一個面後,換另一個面,共四次。
  試驗條件: 滴水量為 30。5 mm/min
  持續時間: 4×2。5 min( 共10 min )

  (3)IPX 3
  a。 擺管式淋水試驗
  試樣放置:選擇適當半徑的擺管,使樣品臺面高度處於擺管直徑位置上,將試樣放在樣臺上,使其頂部到樣品噴水口的距離不大於 200mm ,樣品台不旋轉。
  試驗條件:水流量按擺管的噴水孔數計算,每孔為 0。07 L/min ,淋水時,擺管中點兩邊各 60° 弧段內的噴水孔的噴水噴向樣品。被試樣品放在擺管半圓中心。擺管沿垂線兩邊各擺動 60°,共 120°。每次擺動( 2×120°) 約 4s
  試驗時間:連續淋水 10 min
  b。 噴頭式淋水試驗
  試樣放置:使試驗頂部到手持噴頭噴水口的平行距離在 300mm 至 500mm 之間
  試驗條件:試驗時應安裝帶平衡重物的擋板,水流量為 10 L/min
  試驗時間:按被檢樣品外殼表面積計算,每平方米為 1 min (不包括安裝面積),最少 5 min

  (4)IPX 4
  試驗設備和試樣放置:與上述 IPX 3 之 a 款均相同;
  試驗條件: 除後述條件外,與上述 IPX 3 之 a 款均相同;噴水面積為擺管中點兩邊各 90°弧段內噴水孔的噴水噴向樣品。被試樣品放在擺管半圓中心。擺管沿垂線兩邊各擺動 180°,共約 360°。每次擺動 ( 2×360°) 約 12s
  試驗時間: 與上述 IPX 3 之 a 款均相同 ( 即10 min )。
  試驗設備和試樣放置:與上述 IPX 3 之 b 款均相同;
  試驗條件:拆去設備上安裝帶平衡重物的擋板,其餘與上述 IPX 3 之 b 款均相同;
  試驗時間:與上述 IPX 3 之 b 款均相同, 即按被檢樣品外殼表面積計算,每平方米為 1 min (不包括安裝面積) 最少 5min

  (5)IPX 5
  試驗設備:噴嘴的噴水口內徑為 6。3mm
  試驗條件:使試驗樣品至噴水口相距為 2。5m ~ 3m ,水流量為 12。5 L/min ( 750 L/h )
  試驗時間:按被檢樣品外殼表面積計算,每平方米為 1 min (不包括安裝面積) 最少 3 min

  (6)IPX 6
  試驗設備:噴嘴的噴水口內徑為 12。5 mm
  試驗條件:使試驗樣品至噴水口相距為 2。5m ~ 3m ,水流量為 100 L/min ( 6000 L/h )
  試驗時間:按被檢樣品外殼表面積計算,每平方米為 1 min(不包括安裝面積)最少 3 min

  (7)IPX 7
  試驗設備和試驗條件:浸水箱。其尺寸應使試樣放進浸水箱後,樣品底部到水面的距離至少為 1m 。試樣頂部到水面距離至少為 0。15m
  試驗時間: 30 min

  (8)IPX 8
  方法名稱: 持續潛水試驗;
  試驗設備,試驗條件和試驗時間: 由供需(買賣)雙方商定,其嚴酷程度應比 IPX 7 高。

 .防水等級、防塵等級(防護等級代號IP code)

防水等級、防塵等級(防護等級代號IP code)

歐洲規範IEC 60529
IP (Ingress Protection) Codes 防護等級代號

IPxx 防塵防水等級
  防塵等級 (第一個X表示)      防水等級 (第二個X表示)
  0 :沒有保護             0 :沒有保護
  1 :防止大的固體侵入         1 :水滴滴入到外殼無影響
  2 :防止中等大小的固體侵入      2 :當外殼傾斜到 15 度時,水滴滴入到外殼無影響
  3 :防止小固體進入侵入        3 :水或雨水從 60 度角落到外殼上無影響
  4 :防止物體大於 1mm 的固體進入   4 :液體由任何方向潑到外殼沒有傷害影響
  5 :防止有害的粉塵堆積        5 :用水沖洗無任何傷害
  6 :完全防止粉塵進入         6 :可用於船艙內的環境
                     7 :可於短時間內耐浸水( 1m )
                     8 :於一定壓力下長時間浸水


The applicable European standards for ingress protection are:
- BS EN 60529 Specification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures
- IEC 529 Specification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures
Both of these provide a numerical code to help classify the degree of protection offered, as shown below:

The first digit:
The first digit of the IP code indicates the degree that persons are protected against contact with moving parts (other than smooth rotating shafts, etc.) and the degree that equipment is protected against solid foreign bodies intruding into an enclosure.
  0 No special protection
  1 Protection from a large part of the body such as a hand (but no protection from deliberate access); from solid objects greater than 50mm in diameter.
  2 Protection against fingers or other object not greater than 80mm in length and 12mm in diameter.
  3 Protection from entry by tools, wires, etc., with a diameter of thickness greater than 1.0mm.
  4 Protection from entry by solid objects with a diameter or thickness greater than 1.0mm
  5 Protection from the amount of dust that would interfere with the operation of the equipment.
  6 Dust tight.

The Second Digit:
The second digit indicates the degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against the harmful entry of various forms of moisture (e.g. dripping, spraying, submersion, etc.
  0 No special protection
  1 Protection from dripping water.
  2 Protection from vertically dripping water.
  3 Protection from sprayed water.
  4 Protection from splashed water.
  5 Protection from water projected from a nozzle
  6 Protection against heavy seas, or powerful jets of water.
  7 Protection against immersion.
  8 Protection against complete, continuous submersion in water.

In North America, the NEMA classification is used in preference to the IEC codes shown above.
The IEC and NEMA degrees of protection can not be fully compared as equivalent ratings - see below. The NEMA Standard includes tests for environmental conditions such as mechanical damage, corrosion, rusting, ice formation, etc.
Further information can be found about the North American classification scheme in NEMA Standard Publication 250 and UL 40 Standard Publication.

     NEMA Enclosure Type Number   ApproximateIEC Classification
           1            IP 10
           2            IP 11
           3            IP 54
           3R           IP 14
           3S           IP 54
           4 and 4X         IP 56
           5            IP 52
           6 and 6P         IP 67

 .Wiki - IP Code
 .IP - Ingress Protection Ratings
 .Ingress Protection Ratings (IP Codes)
 .IP Code符號表示